Preserving historical data is important, but sooner or later available disk space or system performance becomes a subject of concern. A choice has to be made between increasing the disk space or removing the data from the production database. While it is always possible to store an increasing amount of information, as more data is kept on the live system, more time is required for processing. It is important to find the balance otherwise storage space and your processor size have to be continually increased.
Why purge your data?
- Your databases are growing at an uncontrollable rate.
- System performance is affecting the efficiency of your business.
- It is expensive to upgrade hardware.
- To speed up migrations by reducing the volume of data to convert.
- To ensure agility in your disaster recovery plan.
Facts to consider
- Legal requirements usually determine how long you must keep your data records accessible. In addition, contractual agreements with your customers, or your internal management rules e.g. credit control, can also be determining factors. Even if you are not required to keep the data in the production database, it is necessary to find a compromise between reducing the size of the production database and the ease and speed of access to archived data.
- Legal constraints can be applicable across the board or specific to certain industries within a country.
- Contractual constraints are generally tied in to either contracted or verbally agreed service agreements with your customers.
- The integrity of your financial data and the ease of auditing your accounts.
Our Experience
The gains from purging and archiving aren’t just limited to reducing the costs of buying disks, but can be extended to the overall response times of the system, the speed of saving and restoring, reducing down-time, reducing time spent on analyzing errors in the database, reducing time required for week, month and year-end closure together with time for consolidating the information.
The overall reduction of the size of the production database allows a greater flexibility when choosing backup tools, a reduction in their cost and, at the same time, making the database easier to use.